Residents for Improving Dart Efficiency and Ridership

DART - What is IT?

Dallas Area Rapid Transit

Formed in 1983, the mission of Dallas Area Rapid Transit is to build, establish and operate a safe, efficient and effective transportation system that, within the DART Service Area, provides mobility, improves the quality of life, and stimulates economic development through the implementation of the DART Service Plan as adopted by the voters on August 13, 1983, and as amended from time to time

Who Pays?

Residents within 1 of 13 chosen cities, pay 1% of sales tax to fund DART.

Ex:  You buy $100 worth of goods.

You pay 8.25% in sales tax

-6.25% going to to State of Texas

-1.0% going to City of Dallas

-1.0% Going to DART.  You pay $1.00 to DART

City Dallas Pays > $300 Million Per Year & On Hook for $1.8 Billion of Debt?

DART Fails on Ridership & Costs

Since 2008--

Total ridership is down 8%.

Bus ridership is down 30%

Cash + Interest costs increased---

+50% or $230mm to $660 million.

Debt increased $1.4 billion to $3.6 billion

Cities are saddled with this DEBT which won't stop growing!


DART hosts betterment meetings and quarterly meetings but will not post the videos.

DART responses to answers with I don't know, changing answers, etc and says answered.  Why?

Fix Bus System Before Cotton Belt

Fix Bus 1st - Bus System down 30% since 2008

DART wants to build a $1.23 billion train.

---We calculate $30+ operating cost per one-way ride.  Looking at Texrail, likely way more.

--Implies DART will subsidize over $17,000 per year for worker to take during work week.

--Alternatives like UBER - less expensive per ride & over 2-3x quicker.

DART - City Funding - $11.7 BN since 1984

DART - City Funding (png)
